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At 1:47 pm on Aug. 3rd, 2013 my boy, Kohen Bravery Veale, entered this world.

I thought you may enjoy some pictures 🙂














A proud papa with his son above and my two champs resting after an exciting afternoon on the right! He's been a really peaceful baby so far! Let's hope he stays that way, eh?


Angie's water broke at 8:15 am, we went into the hospital just after 10 am. In a little over an hour she went from 3 to 10 cm dilated. Then after an hour and 45 min of pushing, we had our little Kohen the Brave. He came out 20 in. long while weighing in at 7 lbs. 15 oz.


My little sis Lauren and our close friend Linds gettin' in some cuddles with our little stud!



Kohen came quick enough for close friends, the Brinkmans to see him before leaving town at 3 pm. Addaboy!


?And last but not least,a proud Grammy who had the blessing of coming in from Nova Scotia to hold her grandson!

more to come soon… 🙂


9 responses to “Kohen Bravery Veale”

  1. What a handsome boy! Sounds like he is a chip offa the ole block…Benny the brave. Congrats to your sweet fam.
    God bless,

  2. Congratulations to you both! May he live out all the kingdom implications of his name.

  3. Felicidades!! Congratulations from Spain! I’m so happy every thing was allright! I’m very very proud of you!!! Keep us updated!!! Love from Barcelona!!!